This is the beautiful snowy morning I woke up to last Sunday. I cancelled all the dog activities planned for the day and saw endless hours of knitting stretched out in front of me.
The day started out nicely. I made this pretty decent pan of brownies (and yes, I ate that many in a morning). I have forgotten where I picked up this particular recipe. I'm forever trying out new brownie recipes and I don't know why. Without a doubt my all time favorite is the brownie recipe found in Baking With Julia. No cake-like brownies for me thank-you very much. Yet I keep trying out different recipes. Obviously, this one was not half bad.
Unfortunately my day of knitting was interrupted by a call from a work customer. How he had acquired my home phone number I don't know but I imagine it's now written on more than one reseller's cubicle wall. As he explained his dire situation, he was working in an Islamic country and their weekend was Thursday-Friday so the customer was losing costly production time as I was enjoying my country's Saturday-Sunday weekend. Ok, it was not a big deal. I'd completed the code he needed on Friday and only had to move it to an accessible server so it could be downloaded and I do love my job and don't mean to complain but somehow my joy at thoughts of endless hours of knitting stretching out in front of me disappeared like melting snowflakes.
Can you see my mistake here? I messed up and started doing rows of seed stitch instead of purl and twisted cable stitches. It was frogging time for sure. I guess you could say I had a "rip" roaring weekend! I spent a few hours trying to correct my mistake.
This is what I ended up with. The mistake is almost invisible. I know it's there yet I didn't want to frog all those rows of knitting to fix it perfectly. I decided it's good enough. I'm a little disappointed in myself. One reason I like knitting so much is you can actually go back and redo all your mistakes. You do not get this opportunity in real life. Still, I decided my knitting, like my life, is hardly perfect and sometimes a lot of character is built into my mistakes.
My socks would be further along had I not spent so much time fretting over the Nantucket Jacket mistake. These have been fun. I had hoped to complete them in time for my mom's birthday (hi mom!) but I won't quite make it. Still, I'm happy with the way they are turning out and it's fun to knit them.