Sunday, January 07, 2007

Dog Show Weekend

This weekend was the big Land O'Lakes Kennel Club dog shows at the River Centre in St. Paul, MN. I tried to remember to bring my camera but managed to forget it all three days so no pictures for the blog. These shows are always held the first full weekend in January and for the past 27 years have been a part of my Holiday Season. First there's Christmas, then New Years and always closing out the end of the Holidays is the Land O'Lakes KC dog shows. The shows are over and thus ends my 2006-2007 Holidays. Now my calendar stretchs out with little but work days ahead and the long wait for spring to arrive.

The dogs and I had some success this weekend. I showed two males, Moby and JJ, and Moby won 4 points on Friday. I co-own Moby with a good friend from Des Moines, IA and calling her and relaying the news about Moby's win was more fun than the winning itself. I wish Moby could have won more over the weekend since I only have him to show on a limited basis but a 4 point major win is still something to bark about and I'm very excited for him and his owner.

Pembrokes showed at 8:00 a.m. all three mornings which meant a 3:30 a.m. wake up time for me. Ugh. Show sites as nice as the River Centre are expensive and hard to come by for kennel clubs and I'm certainly appreciative as it makes it possible to hold a dog show during the winter in MN, but downtown show sites are not particularly convenient for exhibitors. Every day there's a cycle of unloading, parking, exercising dogs, grooming, getting the vehicle and loading up again. By the third day it can feel more like a death march than a fun event. Moby's win first thing Friday morning helped to keep spirits up during the endless cycles of unloading, exercising, grooming, loading, driving and the dreadful alarm so very early each morning.

Somehow during this weekend I managed to finish the sleeves on my bi-color cable sweater. Honest! I can hardly believe it myself. I will block them tonight and start on the collar. I also need to hem the sweater body and sleeves once the sleeves are sewn in. Lots of finishing work left but the end is in sight. I'm holding off on any pictures until it's complete. I think this is definitely my longest running project ever.

Oh, I just remembered, I have to re-teach myself to crochet in order to make the buttons for the sweater. I don't crochet often enough to remember how without looking in my trusty book of left handed crochet instructions. Guess there's still more work on the sweater than I realized...Sigh.


Blogger Bridget said...

Congratulations on your win! At least all of the back and forth, loading and unloading, etc. was worth it!

Give my best to the furry ones.

6:10 PM  
Blogger Guinifer said...

Congratulations to Moby!

I do like the River Center though.

10:47 AM  

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