Monday, November 20, 2006

Busy Weekend

I don't think I've had the chance to show a picture of Whisper standing up! Doesn't she look great? Ok, so her front legs have been shaved for two different IVs and her belly shaved for 3 different ultrasounds and, though you can't see it here, the back of her neck has been shaved for a spinal tap, but I can see past all of that to a happy, healthy looking dog. Of course we still have to wean her off the prednisolone and finish her long course of clindamycin but she sure appears to be on the mend. (Yea, yea, that decking is a mess but the dogs love it so it's fine with me.)

It was a busy weekend around here. Saturday was a dog show and JJ picked up his first major win. He's on track to finish with all points from the Bred By Exhibitor class. I was thrilled with the win. JJ could care less. He was the best little show dog until he saw sheep. Now he thinks shows are so boring... I just need to keep him interested enough in showing for a little longer. I promised him once he finishes his championship it will be all sheep (or ducks) all the time.

I spent Sunday catching up on all the fall outdoor work I didn't get done over the weekend Whisper was at the University. Now that the weather is nice I'm finally ready for winter. Later on Sunday I attended the Freeborn County Kennel Club Christmas party. None of this left much time for knitting. I thought I'd made good progress on my bi-color cable sweater but it does rather look like the last picture I showed of it doesn't it? Still, I've completed the back and the front arm hole shaping and made a start on the neck shaping. I tried to show the cabling in this shot and also the knit-in button loops. I just love that I won't have to pick up and knit a button band as part of the finishing work. Yes, I'm knitting both front pieces at the same time. I always try to do that if I can. The sweater is in desperate need of a good blocking but overall, I'm happy with the way it is coming together.


Blogger Guinifer said...

Love the colors and the button loops. I do both fronts at the same time as well.

6:36 PM  
Blogger Bridget said...

YAY! Whisper looks more like herself now, and I'm so glad to see it.

Give her a pat from me.

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh!!! We had two corgis when I was a kid (one of each Pem and Cardi). They are the coolest dogs ever! Ahhh. . if only I had time for a dog now.

9:33 PM  

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