It's Been One Of Those Days
I'm sure you've had them too. I couldn't do anything right at work today. It was the machine's fault, it was the test's fault, it couldn't possibly be my fault or the fault of my code. So I'm smart enough not to train dogs tonight. I'm going to make a nice dinner and watch TV. Alas, I left my pattern for the BiColor Cable sweater in the RV which is in the shop getting fixed and winterized. (Gosh, I hope it is winterized by now otherwise it's toast, or more accurately, iced. It's cold out.) So I'm forced to start a new project. Darn.
I will definitely cast on for the second sock tonight and I might cast on for Ariann also but I can't make up my mind which yarn to use. I went into town yesterday and happen to see a shop - not really a yarn store but a funky clothing store - had their yarn on sale for 40% off. I had to stop and shop. I picked up 8 balls of Lana Grossa Point in a beautiful aqua blue color and 10 balls of Cascade Yarns Cloud 9 in peach. There's enough of the Cloud 9 to make Ariann.
I had originally purchased Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran for my Ariann.
What do you think? I swatch them both this evening and the Cashmerino is spot on for gauge. The Cloud is 9 very close, it would work. I wonder which I will use.
I added a link to Craft: this evening. Why? Oh please, a magazine with a pattern for a knitted Swiffer cover...I just had to do it.
I will definitely cast on for the second sock tonight and I might cast on for Ariann also but I can't make up my mind which yarn to use. I went into town yesterday and happen to see a shop - not really a yarn store but a funky clothing store - had their yarn on sale for 40% off. I had to stop and shop. I picked up 8 balls of Lana Grossa Point in a beautiful aqua blue color and 10 balls of Cascade Yarns Cloud 9 in peach. There's enough of the Cloud 9 to make Ariann.
I had originally purchased Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran for my Ariann.
What do you think? I swatch them both this evening and the Cashmerino is spot on for gauge. The Cloud is 9 very close, it would work. I wonder which I will use.
I added a link to Craft: this evening. Why? Oh please, a magazine with a pattern for a knitted Swiffer cover...I just had to do it.
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