What An Ordeal!
Whisper is finally home after spending 5 days at the U of MN Veterinary Hospital. It is so wonderful to have her back home though it's unfortunately clear to me tonight we have not completed our journey down this road and where it will end is still uncertain. Whisper was diagnosed with meningitis, cause as yet unknown. Tests are still being done on the fluids and serum collected on Monday. Bacterial, fungal, tick borne, at this time nothing can be ruled out. Whisper is on meds to cover all the bases. We will adjust the medications and treatments as test results come back and we are able to better isolate the cause of her meningitis. Some are treatable, some are not and some though treatable have a poor prognosis. Whisper's prognosis is still uncertain. At least she is home and much more comfortable than she has been. It broke my heart to visit her this weekend and see her in so much pain.
I have such gratitude for Whisper's weekend vet, Dr. Sarah Helmond, who took extraordinary care of Whisper and went out of her way to communicate every detail with me and patiently answer all my questions. I believe without Dr. Helmond's extra care, Whisper would not have made it through the weekend to Monday when she could get the needed tests.
So there's no knitting content in my blog tonight, except to say I will definitely be knitting from my stash this winter. You can bet there's a bit of a hole in my savings account after all this and there will be no extra funds for yarn for a while! Though I have to confess before all this happened with Whisper I had gone back to the store having the 40% off on all yarns sale and picked up 10 more balls of Cascade Cloud 9 in a beautiful lavender color. No need to feel sorry for me, I have plenty of stash to knit from. If you have any pattern suggestions for Cloud 9 be sure and point me to them. I hope I like knitting with it, I bought a lot of it.
Whisper is still not out of the woods so I am appreciative of all healing thoughts and prayers you send her way.
Please give Whisper a pat from me! Everyone at our house (human and furry) will say an extra prayer for her, and keep good thoughts for all of you.
Both of you take care.
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