Thursday, November 30, 2006

New Yarn

Gosh, I haven't blogged in a while. Not much to say I guess. Been busy with the everydayness of life. The Thanksgiving weekend was warm but gray where I live. I painted the kitchen and sun room during my vacation. Not very exciting but work that had to be done. Cleaned the garage one last time until spring, brought all dog jumps inside before they froze and broke, more boring but necessary jobs to complete before the cold hit. I rewarded myself with a trip to my favorite yarn store, Knitter's Palette. I hadn't been inside a LYS in close to four years before I found this place. One bad experience where as a customer I was treated like an inconvenience sent me shopping on the web for all my yarns and patterns. It sure is nice to go back to a yarn store, to touch all the yarns and see the actual colors before you buy but especially, to ask questions and get advice without feeling belittled. The Knitter's Palette is just a great place.

I know I said I would knit from my stash this winter but the temptation was too great. On the left is Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock yarn in color River. I enjoyed knitting the multi-colored socks and thought I'd like to try the Lorna's Laces yarn so many others rave about. Haven't decided on a pattern yet but think I'll make a pair for my mom out of this yarn. On the right is some of the Mission Falls 1825 Wool I hope to use for the Nantucket Jacket in the Winter 2006 Interweave Knits magazine. I feel in love with this sweater as soon as my issue arrived. Can't wait to get started on it. In the back row are two skeins of Misti Alpaca. This is such a soft, luxurious yarn and it knits up quickly on larger needles for those last minute Christmas gifts. Here's a scarf I complete from the skein of natural colored Misti Alpaca. Love the ruffles on the ends.

Finally, a big congratulations to my friend JayellWilson on signing two (!!) book contracts. Getting published is a goal she has worked towards for as long as I've known her and she's a great inspiration for setting a goal and working each day toward accomplishing your goal. Way to go J! "Romance with a touch of gray" - isn't that great? Can't wait to read all her books.


Blogger Guinifer said...

Make sure you post when you start the Nantucket Jacket - I'd love to watch someone else do it before I tackle it!

11:17 AM  

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