I'm proud to announce the completion of my Nantucket Jacket. I am very happy with this project. The sweater fits great and it's a sweater I'll wear often and am very comfortable in. So much fun to work on and complete a project like this. I am terrible at taking pictures, much less pictures of myself, so I'll try to get help with an actual 'me modeling' picture next time I go into the office.
Here's a close of of part of the sweater. Collars and I just don't seem to get along. I studied the collar grafting done by Jeanne and mine is not the same. I like Jeanne's better but I'm still happy with mine. For the record, I did my Nantucket Jacket on size 8 Inox needles using Mission Falls 1824 Wool, color Mist. I purchased the yarn and wooden buttons from Knitters Palette.
Spent the weekend dog training. The weather was - finally - almost warm and very sunny. I was able to spend most of Saturday outdoors. Super! Sunday I spent indoors getting private lessons from a great dog trainer. Also super despite the beautiful weather outdoors. Here's Dak attempting a straight front after a retrieve over the high jump. Hum...I'm hoping for better results in the ring! I train other dogs besides Dak. For some reason, he's the dog who keeps getting his picture in the blog.
It's been a sad day here in America. I was so busy at work this morning and then so shocked to check out Google News at lunch only to read another school massacre had occurred. I used to think tragedies like this made my life seem so small and inconsequential and in truth, all our lives can be considered such. But our lives are the one most precious thing we have. My life, and your life, are very important. You must live your best life, make yourself happy and take good care of yourself. Otherwise, you have no chance of doing so for anyone else.
Eek! Philosophy from a boring knitter and dog trainer
The jacket is beautiful - congratulations on doing such a great job!
We need a philosopher to remind us of things every once in a while ...
Your jacket is beautiful! It's funny, the first thing I did was enlarge one of your photos to take a look at how you did your collar...My thought? Hmm....her's looks better than mine. We are always more critical of ourselves than we should be. It looks absolutely wonderful.
Beautiful knitting! I look forward to seeing you model it.
Your Nantucket is beautiful. Just lovely.
Regardless of his performance, Dak is adorable.
I just turned on the television and saw that they've closed part of the U of M campus because of a bomb threat - the FBI says there have been over a dozen incidences across the country following the shootings at V Tech.
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