New yarn, new project
The yarn I ordered came today. It's Debbie Bliss Cathay in a soft, celery green color. Yes, I know I am currently knitting a sweater in a soft green color but this next project is for my mother and this is the color she requested so it's the color she gets. The pattern is from Vogue Spring/Summer 2004. It's #11 and designed by Shirley Paden. I remember looking at this lacy wrap when the issue first came out and thinking I could never be good enough to knit it. Not long ago I was browsing through old knitting magazines and came across the pattern again. Believe me, this will still be a big (like HUGE) stretch of my knitting abilities but I'm determined to try it. And if I fall on my face, the yarn will be perfect for something else.
I took a bunch of pictures of the pattern and yarn. I think I chose the best one. I recently complained to my sister about the fuzzy and out of focus quality of the pictures I take. She suggested I wear my glasses next time. Sigh. Such a simple solution. So I wore my glasses but still managed only one good shot out of the entire batch.
I definitely will not start this project until the Nantucket jacket is knit and being blocked. I find one big project and one small, take-with-me project is enough. Still, I like knowing I have the yarn on hand to start my next big project when the time comes. The Nantucket Jacket is coming along, working on sleeves and hoping to make good progress this evening. I am anxious to start a new take-with-me project and have two nice sock yarns calling to me, yet determined to finish up the sleeves of my Nantucket Jacket first.
On the dog front, I bathed up Dak today as he is entered in an obedience trial this weekend. He's ready but I'm nervous. I so hope we have a good run. Sounds like finally the weather will not keep us from attending.
Speaking of weather, the dogs just hate this spring snow, the kind of deep but soft snow they sink into with each step. Makes it very hard going for my short legged crew.
That looks like a fin new project you've picked out. I'm sure the yarn feels very yummy.
The long legged variety aren't wild about it either. They don't like to "potty" in standing water, and that's what my back yard has become.
Before you start the sweater, be sure to check out the Vogue Knitting website as there is errata for this one! (One of my customer's is also making it and couldn't get the chart to work.)
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