Bluebirds, Robins and Thunder - Oh My!
The bluebirds arrived Friday morning about 8:30 am. I know this is not the best picture but it was as close as I dared with my little camera on Friday. The bluebirds will become much tamer and friendlier as the weeks go by but for now, this was as close as I could get. They are such a welcome sight. Truly spring is here and though there will still be cold days and probably even snow storms, it means I've survived yet another Minnesota winter. Yeah! I spotted one lone Robin in my yard on Friday but by Saturday entire flocks had appeared. Yet another welcome spring sight.
I'm sure you are wondering why I feature my cat Percy in the same blog as bluebirds. I just couldn't help myself and snapped this picture of the poor boy as he lay unsuspectingly sleeping on Friday morning after a long night out. Now that the all the birds are returning poor Percy will be relegated to the house until all the baby birds are hatched. It is always a difficult few months for Percy and me but he is one heck of a hunter and as much as I need a mouser around here, I do not want a birder. Thus Percy will, most unwillingly, become a house cat until early to mid July.
And spring means thunder storms in Minnesota and although none have shown up yet, they have threatened most of the day. Dak, such a "tough" dog normally, is terrified of thunder storms. I've made up a little spot for him in the basement where he feels safe enough and here he spent today, tucked away on his little raised bed with his fleece blankie. It's an awful picture with those flash bulbs in his eyes and Dak would be so embarrassed to know I exposed his weakness to the entire WWW. Ah, poor Dak!
I'm sure you are wondering why I feature my cat Percy in the same blog as bluebirds. I just couldn't help myself and snapped this picture of the poor boy as he lay unsuspectingly sleeping on Friday morning after a long night out. Now that the all the birds are returning poor Percy will be relegated to the house until all the baby birds are hatched. It is always a difficult few months for Percy and me but he is one heck of a hunter and as much as I need a mouser around here, I do not want a birder. Thus Percy will, most unwillingly, become a house cat until early to mid July.
And spring means thunder storms in Minnesota and although none have shown up yet, they have threatened most of the day. Dak, such a "tough" dog normally, is terrified of thunder storms. I've made up a little spot for him in the basement where he feels safe enough and here he spent today, tucked away on his little raised bed with his fleece blankie. It's an awful picture with those flash bulbs in his eyes and Dak would be so embarrassed to know I exposed his weakness to the entire WWW. Ah, poor Dak!
Hi there! I've been lurking for a couple weeks but just had to let you know that my little dog Jali (short for Jalapeno) is similarly terrified of storms and high wind. She likes to hide under things, though - chairs, the bed, in a pinch even the toilet tank!
Enjoy the warm weather this week!
Poor Dak. I take you got got the storms I saw threatening in the distance, that never quite arrived up here. I'm sure the momma birds appriciate your keeping Percy indoors.
Percy looks just like our cat Hannah, who died a few years ago. She was as sweet as he looks ...
Give Dak a pat from me. And I promise I won't say anything about knowing his "secret" ...
Poor Dak! Summer's must be tough for him with those big storms we get coming through the prairies.
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