Sunday, April 27, 2008

Resistance Is Futile

Knit News

I had 3 days of obedience trials in the Twin Cities this past weekend and on the way home today I stopped by Knitter's Palette to pick up a nice button for my Mr. Greenjeans sweater. I did come home with a lovely button, but look what else I brought home. I swear, resistance is futile. The last thing I needed was more yarn!

I purchased 3 skeins of Dream In Color Classy to make a second Mr. Greenjeans for myself. My first Mr. Greenjeans turned out quite nice and it was a very fun knit with an excellent pattern. I had only two problems with the first sweater.

First, life took over and I simply ran out of knitting time. This should be a relatively quick knit, I just didn't have that much time to give to it. Second, I had to knit the button band three times because of my own errors. The first time I tried the button band I was spending the night in the hospital keeping an eye on a family member (who is fine now). I knew there was something wrong with what I was doing but I kept on knitting out of nervous energy or something. I hadn't picked up enough stitchs which caused the sweater to pull up badly in the front. So I ripped that button band out.

For the second attempt at the button band, I was so sure I had counted correctly but I ended up with one side starting with a purl two and the opposite ending with a knit two. Clearly, this was not good. Finally, on the third attempt I got smart and used two long dpns to pick up the stitches for either side of the button band and then used the correct size needles to pick up and knit the actual stitches. I am so happy with the result that I am going to make another Mr. Greenjeans for myself.

Here's my first Mr Greenjeans drying after a wash in cool water. Once blocked, it fit me perfectly and was not too small as I had feared. Still, I had promised it to my sister so it is now hers and I'll make another for myself.

The white yarn above is Cascade Ecological Wool from which I plan to knit a Hemlock Ring lap blanket.

I started a diamond lace scarf using Karabella Terrain. It is coming along nicely, if not slowly. I completed this much of it at the dog shows this weekend. I had to rip back a few times. I'm thinking knitting lace at dog obedience trials is not such a good mix.

Dog News

As I mentioned above, I spent the weekend at dog obedience trials. Dot finished her CDX in three shows with very respectable scores and a first and second placing in her classes. Dak tried Utility and unfortunately, did not manage to pass this weekend but I am very happy with his performance and progress. It will be June before I show him again which gives us more time to practice and perfect. He's a very willing dog with a very happy and up attitude and I have no doubt of his success.

Below is a picture of Emma, formerly known as Fussy, from my last litter. I don't know, I might have to demand her back. I'm not sure she has enough toys or dog beds and dog friends to play with.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mr. Greenjeans

I have all but completed my Mr. Greenjeans. Unfortunately, it's a bit too small for me. I love the sweater, I just might have to knit another in my size. However, it fits my sister nicely. Here she is modeling it.

I need to sew up a few loose strands, find a nice button, wash and block it and the sweater is ready to go to my sister Rita. A very fun and easy knit done in Dream In Color Classy, colorway Blue Lagoon, size 7 and 8 needles. As I said above, I just might have to knit this again in my own size.

I knit the button band 3 times and I'm still not satisfied with it but it will do. I can't bear to knit it again I think. I have to thank Pam at Knitters Palette, my LYS. I called her long distance and she gave me the excellent advice which finally helped me knit the button band as close to correct as it is going to be.

I haven't decided what I want to knit next. This is odd as I usually have my next project all lined up. I have the yarn and patterns for several lovely scarfs and I will start on at least one of these. However, I do love to knit sweaters. Here's a few of the projects peaking my interest - mostly sweaters but perhaps a toy.

Meanwhile, the dogs have been doing great. Dusty completed his Novice Agility Standard and Jumpers titles and already has a leg up on his Open Standard title. Dusty is such a willing and loyal little dog. I'm so proud of him. He's not the dog I would have ever predicted to be good at agility but he certainly is.

Today Dot and Dak were entered in Open A and Utility A Obedience classes respectively for the first time. Dottie won her Open class with zero points deducted for the heeling exercises - a remarkable accomplishment. She is truly a little heeling machine. Dak also did very well, just missing one of the scent articles because of his speed and missing his go-out spot because of sure greenness. Congrats kids, you are great dogs.

Fame went to her first conformation show - that's the part where you run around in circles and show off your hairstyle says Fame - and managed a 2nd of 4 in her class. That's fine with me. I've never doubted Fame's potential is definitely in the performance arenas and neither I nor Fame could be happier about that. Fame was beside herself with glee the last two weeks as her older brother Moby was here. My goodness, would the two of them play as above for hours.

Meanwhile, the little puppy girls are growing on and are very pleasing.

Here is Fancy with her mother Shamrock. Fancy loves to stick by and imitate everything her mom does.

This is little Rumor, a very pretty sable girl, so attentive and so watchful. Can't wait to to start serious performance training with Rumor.

And we couldn't forget my precious Tinkerbell.

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