Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What happened to spring?

I've been incredibly busy with my job lately so blogging and knitting, even dog training, have taken a back seat the last week or so. I finally made it to dog training Monday and Tuesday evening and to herding lessons today.

Spring seems to have come and gone while I was busy. This is a picture of my crab apple tree, the tree I sit on my couch and look at through the winter while I work and while I knit. I study its bare branches and count the days until the tree blooms again. Most years there are at least a few perfect spring days, clear and warm and calm, during which I can enjoy my tree in its best bloom. Sadly, this year there was nothing but rain and wind and cold during the peak bloom of my tree. Now the tree is well past its prime bloom and the temperatures are reaching the mid 80s. What happen to spring?

I've made some knitting progress. I finished my pink shrug and plan to wear it to work tomorrow. I'm always cold in air conditioned buildings so I think it will be useful despite the warm weather.

For the record, this is the "Dream In Color" shrug knit with Dream In Color Classy worsted weight yarn, color way Cool Fire. Knit on size 8 Inox circular needles. I bought the yarn and pattern on a whim but ended up falling in love with the yarn. Classy knits up very fast, never wants to split and the color is so pretty. I'm not to sure how useful a shrug will be so I'm thinking of making a nice cardigan using this yarn. It's a bit pricey but I found it to be worth it.

And here's the beginning of the traveling shells cardigan I am making for my mom. You can see I'm about to start row 2. Woohoo! I'm sure you don't want to be bored with inch by inch progress on this one so I'll have to find something else to blog about for the summer - hopefully I'll finish it yet this summer.

I don't mind if the rain returns but I hope the thunder stays away for a while. My dog Dak is so afraid of thunder. It's been my experience, and other dog owners I've talked to concur, that a dog who is afraid of storms only gets worse with age. This has certainly been true for Dak. Dak has a raised bed like this in his "safe" place in the basement. This past weekend during a short thunder storm I found him with his head under his bed! Silly boy, his entire body was sticking out but his head was hidden safely under his bed. So I told him my favorite joke from my grade school days.

Dak, did you hear about the gaggle of ostriches playing down at the beach when they heard a loud noise and all ran and hid their heads in the sand? Turns out, the big noise was nothing but a large, old ostrich walking down to the beach. The old ostrich gets to the beach, looks around and says "Hey, where did everyone go?"

Ok, Dak didn't laugh either but I can't help myself, I think it's hilarious!


Blogger Guinifer said...

I think I've said it before, but I love the color pink of your shrug.

My dad had an English Setter (supposed to be his hunting dog) when I was a little girl, but she was so gun shy! Any thunder or fireworks and she'd be under mom and dad's bed like a shot. (She also used to chase squirrels up the big tree in the back yard and sit at the bottom of the tree waiting for them to come back down.)

3:41 PM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

Yes, I wish it would rain too! I can't believe it was over 90 yesterday already.

10:43 AM  

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