Sunday, April 29, 2007

Are These Cute Dogs or What?

Is this a cute dog or what? This is my DD (Darling Dak) winning the Novice B class at obedience trials in Iowa this weekend. Dak did quite well for himself on Saturday and I was ever so happy with his success. This completed his CD title. Dak scored 196.5 out of a possible 200 points. Three of the points he lost were because of my poor foot work. Dak himself only lost 1/2 of a point. I bet he wishes he had a better handler!

The show was overall a pleasant show. Camping was nice with lots of grass for walking dogs and plenty of power outlets which means almost no RVs running their generators which translates into peace and quiet - except for Friday night when the race track at the fair grounds held a very big, busy and LOUD race. Well, I guess that is what race tracks are for.

This is JJ, all groomed up and waiting to go into the show ring. I think he's ever so handsome. Unfortunately, the judges this weekend found dogs they thought were more handsome than JJ.

And this pretty girl is Addie, like JJ, all dressed up and waiting to go to the show. Addie didn't fare much better than JJ this weekend in the conformation ring. Our successes this weekend were definitely in the obedience and rally rings. Shamrock, Addie's dam, won the Rally Novice B class with a perfect score of 100. This completed her RN title. Good for Shammie!

Here's Whisper checking out the grooming supplies.

And knitting? I did knit a bit this weekend. I knit exactly 7 rows of my pretty pink shrug. Four of these rows were straight purl stitch. I did those four rows correctly, but I had to tink backwards to correct mistakes in 2 of the 3 pattern rows. After that I decided I was far too tired to knit and went to bed.

My ever so beautiful, eleven year old Ch. Kantishna Red Wing UD RAE.


Blogger Bridget said...

Oh, I wish I could pet them all! Please give them a pat from me.

And congratulations to Dak!

And to the others - Those judges don't know what they are talking about ...

8:43 AM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

Wow! Nice weekend for camping. Those judges don't know what they are talking about. Really.

10:53 AM  
Blogger Guinifer said...

Oh I just want to hug them all - but that would mess them up, wouldn't it?

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are These Cute Dogs or What?"

Are you speaking of those cute little pink tennis shoes or the furry mammal sitting next to them? :)


7:50 PM  

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