He Did It!
(Don't you love my pink "dogs"?)
I have video of JJ's successful run but I'm not going to post it. It's not my best work. I tried twice to take him off course. I don't usually have a problem remembering courses. I think I was a bit nervous this time. Instead, I'm posting snapshots taken from that video. These pictures might not be the best quality, but I do love my Flip camera. It's perfect for events like this.
Here we are, both jumping for joy at the end of his run. I'm also about to reach down and quickly grab JJ before he runs out of the ring without his leash on, thereby disqualifying his run. Why am I prepared to do this? Because JJ, that little social butterfly, has already disqualified more than one successful run by doing this. JJ is so sure those spectators outside the ring are totally enamored with him and will give him more pets and lots more treats than I do.
Some of my other dogs had a bit of success also. Dusty, JJ's sire, completed his MX (Master Agility) title and also picked up the ninth of ten passing scores needed for his MXJ (Master Agility Jumper) title. I moved Dot down to the "preferred" classes which means she can jump one height lower than her measured height. Dot loved going back to the easier Novice Preferred classes and managed to qualify in four of four runs. Good for you Dot!