Sunday, October 31, 2010


Death and destruction will be covered in this blog post. Since it's Halloween, it seems appropriate.

I electrocuted a mouse the other morning.

I turned on the light over the kitchen sink at o'dark hundred and fierce mouse scratching ensued. The scratching lasted about 3 minutes before complete silence. Ooops, electrocuted mouse in the ceiling plate of the hanging lamp.

See this darling, sweet, adorable little dog? This picture makes it hard to believe she's a murderer! I heard a commotion and yapping out in the yard and looked out the window to see cute little Tinkerbelle laying over a huge rabbit she had just killed. Belle was laying on top of the rabbit with the rabbit's head between her two front paws and she wasn't letting any other dog share her fresh kill! There was blood dripping from her mouth, fur caught in her teeth and her pretty white paws were solid red, covered in blood. Belle has had two baths since then and I swear she still smells like blood. Gross.

A rabbit kill around here means Frontline for everyone. Expensive.


I finished my reversible hat. It turned out as I wanted it too, in fact it's already been usurped by one of my brothers so I'll be ordering yarn to make a few more for Christmas gifts. The hat hadn't been washed or block yet in this picture so don't notice all the dog hair on it.

I started a quilted Christmas table runner. The pattern is rated as easy. It hasn't come easy to me though.

In this picture the inner red and outer green border still need to be sewn on and then it needs quilting. I'm disappointed I couldn't get all my stars to have nice sharp points.

I'm happy enough with the big center star. I thought this would be difficult but I found it easier than the smaller stars. I have a pattern and material for another table runner. This one is squares and should hopefully be easier.


I attended an agility seminar a few weekends ago. It was fun. The seminar was for beginning dogs and covered lots of fundamentals. Not only was it a great review of the fundamentals for me but it was also  an excellent reminder of all the agility work a person can accomplish with only one or two jumps in a small indoor area over a long Minnesota winter.

Here I am with Rumor. I'm getting constructive criticism on my handling of a difficult tunnel entrance and Rumor's getting treats for doing what her inept handler told her to do even though Rumor was pretty sure I was sending her to the wrong end of the tunnel!


Sunday, October 03, 2010

Three Green Ribbons

I don't have much to say today but I'm trying to pay more attention to my blog. Feeding it daily is beyond my capability. However, I think I ought to be able to stick to a weekly schedule...I think I've said this before though.


I'm working on small projects I'd like to gift at Christmas. Above is a reversible hat I'm knitting without a pattern. I'm trying to model it after the small, tight wool hats I noticed my brothers and nephews wearing last year. I suspect they cost a small fortune and thought I could easily make them myself. I'm pleased with my first attempt. Other than the yarn that is. I picked two balls of sock yarn from my stash to make the prototype before I invest in good wool sport yarn. This sock yarn was inexpensive and is 75% superwash wool and 25% nylon. The nylon gives it a nice stretch and longer wear which is perfect for socks, but a bit too much stretch and "scratchiness" for a hat.

I have a ball of Misti Alpaca Chunky waiting to become a scarf. I know I'm repeating myself but this yarn is so soft, it's one of my favorite all time yarns. And knitting a scarf on size 13 needles is a breeze!

I sorted out Christmas themed material for the two table runners I want to make but that's as far as it went. Maybe I'll get back to it this afternoon yet, but I need to clean my patio, get rid of the outdoor potted plants and vegetables, train a few dogs, clip a few toenails (canine ones that is!) and put away the folded laundry.


This morning I drove to Hugo for an obedience trial with Shamrock and Dusty. They each qualified! Shamrock received a decent score but she's capable of much better. She was so distracted during her on leash heeling. I think she thought she was back in the show ring and she should strut her stuff out in front of me for her clamoring fans to appreciate. Thankfully, she settled down for her off leash heeling which was quite good.

Dusty worked above what I think I've trained him at. I was very pleased! If it hadn't been for his one no sit he would have scored way over what I was expecting. I haven't put the time into Dusty's obedience training that I should but after today, I'm motivated to do so.

Bunny picked up her first leg (that's a qualifying score towards an obedience title for my non-doggie friends - I think I still have a few) towards her CD (companion dog) title back in August. So I made all three of them sit for a picture with their little green ribbons. You can tell how thrilled they were to pose. From left to right it's Dusty, Bunny and Shamrock. I'll try to get ears on Dusty and Bunny next time. Good grief but they were lacking a sense of humor for this picture.

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