Monday, September 03, 2007

Almost Lost My Camera!

I went to a Herding Fun Day at my herding instructor's today. It was so nice of her to have us all out. Unfortunately, I left my camera sitting on the top of a fence post. It might not seem like much but my sister Anne bought the camera for me when I came down with Rheumatoid Arthritis and it took everything I had for a few months just go get out of bed and care for my dogs. That particular camera was such an inspiration for me, plus it not only has some neat sheep herding pictures from today it has the latest pictures of my two little puppies (whom I'm currently calling Jack Sprat and His Wife Sister). Luckily, Polly, my herding instructor, found the camera and has it in her house for safe keeping. I hope to update my blog with new puppy pictures - and some Herding Fun Day pictures - on Wednesday evening.

So far, my two little pups are, well, still here. The boy is excruciatingly small and his sister is exactly the opposite, excruciatingly big. I find raising puppies so difficult. I currently have 22 AKC Champions to my credit but I am amazed/aghast at how the puppy millers do it. I have found breeding and raising healthy, quality Pembrokes very difficult. Sometimes I think I must be doing something wrong...

Hopefully new pictures, both knitting and dogwise, on Wednesday.


Blogger Guinifer said...

Babies are hard no matter what species they are. I wish you luck with your little two!
Yay for your camera!

11:56 PM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

The difference between you and the puppy millers is vast....they would have let the little guy die, rather than spend extra time making sure he didn't. I'm glad your camera was rescued.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Bridget said...

So glad you didn't really lose your camera!

The above comment is exactly what I was going to say - puppy millers can't be bothered to take the extra time and care, like you are. Most of the time, the dogs that make it from there to the pet stores are not that healthy anyway.

Give everyone my best wishes.

7:09 PM  

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