Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Moment To Myself

Finally, a moment to myself. My job has been insanely busy lately and my "free" time taken up with other affairs keeping me from just sitting back and relaxing for a few hours. I'm definitely enjoying this Saturday morning with a pot of coffee and that "almost caught up" feeling.

Look! I've completed the body of the traveling shells cardigan. I sewed the shoulder seams and took the time to weave in all the loose ends. It looks nice, though now it is packed away in the knitting bag while I work on the rest of sweater.

I've started on the collar and am finding the pattern easy to follow so I'm thinking about doing both left and right side of the collar at the same time. Hopefully the collar will go quickly, then all I have left is the dreaded sleeves. I hate sleeves. It's very tempting to put some fancy crochet edging around the arm hole openings and call it a vest. I was worried for a time about running out of yarn so the vest idea might have been a necessity. However, it looks as if I have plenty of yarn left for the sleeves so sleeves it is.

I'm getting a new, maintenance free deck - hurray! I've needed this for quite a while. Sometimes I'm just too cheap frugal. Now that I can see how nice the new deck looks, I don't know how I lived with the old one for so long. The same folks who remodeled my kitchen a few years ago are installing the deck. They started yesterday and will finish today. That's right, they even work Saturdays. The dogs aren't as happy about the new deck as I am. I'm not having any railing or benches installed as I'm sick and tired of the boys going outside and lifting their leg on my deck. Yuk. They have a huge fenced yard to relieve themselves in, they do not need to be using the deck.

I finished Peony In Love but never bothered with a book review. I found the book pretty boring and just didn't care enough to even give it a decent review. The book became very repetitive and even though I tried, I found I had no empathy for the Love Sick Maidens. I started to lose interest early in the book when I couldn't buy into the tragedy of Peony's death. The whole premise of her not looking when her father points out her future husband was too far fetched for me. And why didn't Wu disclose himself to her during one of their three meetings? This seemed like deceit to me and made Wu a difficult character for me to appreciate. Luckily I had downloaded an audible form of the book and forced myself to listen through to the end by plugging in the ear phones and cleaning my house. This is the first book by Lisa See I've read. I'm not eager to read any others. Let me know if you have a different opinion.

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Blogger Jeanne said...

Ya, I hate sleeves too, but I also don't wear vests much...
The new deck looks good.

12:44 PM  
Blogger Bridget said...

Your sweater is looking great, I hope you can zoom through the rest of it before you get bored/frustrated ...

Nice deck - especially since it only takes two days to install.

Have a good weekend.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Guinifer said...

The sweater looks incredible - the deck's not bad either.

I read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan - I liked it in spite of the sadness.

11:50 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

Your new deck looks great.

7:29 PM  

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